Starting up can be a lonely business...
It's now a little over a year since I started my maternity, newborn and family photography business, and I can't quite believe it!
A year since I messaged a few photography 'friends in my phone' and started asking questions about how I could make this dream become a reality. I'm so glad I reached out, took the plunge and listened to all those championing me to give it a go. If you had told me a few years ago that I would be calling people I had never met friends, and that some of them would become my most important business supporters and community, I definitely wouldn't have believed you.
The online photography community is an amazing place, especially the sub-communities created within some of the wonderful courses I have taken. It was through doing a number of the same courses, and then sharing in 365 project groups together that I got to know the awesomely talented, Karen of Karen Le Leu Photography. Karen and I have very similar businesses, we started up right around the same time, and we both love leaving a long voice note chatting about everything business, photography, Mum life, and the perpetual wish for more hours in the day.
After a year's worth of almost daily messages - and the voice notes and video calls - a couple of weeks ago saw us meet in person. And the only surprise....she wasn't as tall as I had expected! A gorgeous sunny day called for a walk along the beach, and, of course, taking some photographs.
So, friends in your phone are a thing - an awesome thing! And even better still when you finally meet in person.
If you happen to be from the St Albans area, or know someone who is - make sure you check out Karen Le Leu Photography as I'd 100% have a running contract for her to document my family (with me in the frame) if I lived closer!
Her in-home maternity and newborn work is gorgeous and so worth having a scroll of her Instagram.
It's safe to say we both prefer being behind the camera, but great practice to feel what it's like to be the subject for once.
Also including another friend from my phone - the awesome photographer, and absolutely lovely human that is Kate, who captured both Karen and me in the image below! Her instagram is full of the most beautiful detailed nature images, and amazing faceless photos. Check her out here!